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#41 – Outcast

* Photo credit to The Closet *

I think this is my favorite Sweet Valley High cover, mostly because it doesn’t look like an SVH cover. It looks like the cover for a 1970s movie poster about teen pregnancy. The one with the awesomely feathered hair is Molly Hecht, and I totally think she’s prettier than—dare I say it?—the Wakefield twins. And who are those bitches in the back supposed to be? Whatevs, Molly, you’re better than them.

Everyone is still in the tragic throes and woes of Regina Morrow’s freak death-by-drugs. Jess, who’d never been all that close with Regina, organizes a Pi Beta Alpha (PBA) activity of organizing a scholarship in Regina’s name, which is the first good, selfless idea Jess has had in a while, if ever. While all that’s going on, Molly is ready to walk alongside the train tracks and fling herself in front of the five-fifteen because everyone is ostracizing the shit out of her, blaming her for Regina’s death. Even Molly’s own parents hate her, and her ex-best friend/ex-boyfriend Justin Belson wants to have nothing to do with her. She tries to apologize to Liz (sigh…) but not even Liz is havin’ it, and when Molly attempts to speak to Regina at her grave, she runs into Regina’s brother Nicholas, who practically pops a blood vessel at the sight of her. None of this makes any sense. Why hate Molly? Why not hate Justin, who brought Regina to the party? Why not hate Bruce Patman, for cheating on Regina? Why not hate Amy Sutton, because she’s Amy Sutton? This scapegoating is stupid.

The only one who isn’t hating on Molly is Buzz, the drug dealer who brought the coke Regina snorted in the first place. He’s wanted by the cops, but he mustn’t have gotten the memo that the police in Sweet Valley are useless, because this fact actually concerns him. He wants to escape to Mexico but needs some dough, so he gets Molly stoned and gets her to agree to blow her college savings (a mere two thousand dollars) by inviting her to run away with him. Molly sees no reason to stick around so she withdraws the money—an act Liz just happens to be present for (naturally). Liz already feels shitty about the way she treated Molly and wants to apologize, but Molly shuns her. How dare she!

Liz knows that something ain’t right, so she begs and pleads with Justin to save Molly until he complies, and they both go to Molly’s house just as Molly’s climbing into a shady looking car that heads straight to—where else?—Kelly’s, the Sweet Valley bar famous among deadbeats. Justin lets Liz out so she can call the police, and he follows Buzz and Molly down a desolate highway, where a car chase ensues until Justin pulls his car in front of the one Buzz and Molly are in. Justin engages in a knife fight with Buzz to prove that he cares for Molly—totally fighting for her honor!—and he socks Buzz in the face and knocks him out cold…and then the police roll up. Molly decides to get her life together and everyone stops being pricks to her. Fin.

Other Notes:

  • Bruce Patman and Amy Sutton have the gall to hold hands at Regina’s funeral! I hate this couple! Jesus, if people want to blame Molly for Regina’s doom, why not those assholes? Oh, wait, because Molly dabbles in drugs, while Bruce just attempts to date rape teen girls and Amy has no qualms about dry humping a dead girl’s boyfriend after planning to break them up. I see.
  • Jess tells Nicholas Morrow about the scholarship… and then immediately starts envisioning a romantic future with him. Please, Wakefield, tact.
  • Liz is NOT a good reporter, y’all! Not only does she editorialize, she has no concept of journalistic integrity and writes an Oracle article on PBA—of which she is a member—and her sister. Therefore, I’m sick of everyone growing quiet after she writes something and then marveling at her genius. Enough is enough!
  • By the end of the story, Molly hopes to win the Regina Morrow scholarship next year. All right, girl, let’s not go that far.

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